Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 17th Annual

Immunology for Biotherapeutics

Understanding and Manipulating the Immune System for Therapeutic Advantage

October 7, 2025


Many of the exciting advances in drug discovery and development today concern the immune response and its manipulation and control. Our understanding of immune involvement in therapeutic disorders and their treatment is developing rapidly. T and B lymphocyte subsets, innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), macrophages, dendritic cells, and cytokines are all involved in a complex manner. There is the potential for manipulation for therapeutic advantage, yet the danger of disastrous consequences if not well understood. At this symposium, attendees will find out how to utilize the immune system and overcome inhibitory factors without overlooking potential safety issues.


Coverage will include, but is not limited to:


  • Current understanding of the role of T regulatory cells and their modulation
  • Antigen processing and presentation: T cell activation and interaction between the cells of the immune system
  • T helper and innate lymphoid cell subsets
  • Applying bispecific technology to modulate the immune response for therapeutic intervention
  • Immunology safety considerations for biotherapeutics
  • Biopharmaceutical product immunogenicity: What causes it and what are the safety and efficacy consequences?
  • Harnessing the body’s natural immune response to fight cancer
  • Adoptive T cell therapy
  • Oncolytic viruses: Impact of the virus on tumor cells, local microenvironment, and systemic adaptive immune response


The deadline for priority consideration is March 28, 2025


AAll proposals are subject to review by session chairpersons and/or the Scientific Advisory Committee to ensure the overall quality of the conference program. Additionally, as per Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s policy, a select number of vendors and consultants who provide products and services will be offered opportunities for podium presentation slots based on a variety of Corporate Sponsorships.


Opportunities for Participation:


For more details on the conference, please contact:

Gemma Smith

Senior Conference Director

Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Phone: (+44) 7866-506-196



For sponsorship information, please contact:

Aimee Croke

Business Development Manager

Cambridge Healthtech Institute

Phone: (+1) 617-292-0777

