Cambridge Healthtech Institute's 16th Annual

Immunology for Biotherapeutics

Understanding and Manipulating the Immune System for Therapeutic Advantage

October 15, 2024 ALL TIMES EDT

Many of the exciting advances in drug discovery and development today concern the immune response and its manipulation and control. Our understanding of immune involvement in therapeutic disorders and their treatment is developing rapidly. T and B lymphocyte subsets, innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), macrophages, dendritic cells, and cytokines are all involved in a complex manner. There is the potential for manipulation for therapeutic advantage, yet the danger of disastrous consequences if not well understood. At Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 16th Annual Immunology for Biotherapeutics symposium, attendees will find out how to utilize the immune system and overcome inhibitory factors for biotherapeutic development without overlooking potential safety issues.

Tuesday, October 15

8:30 amRegistration and Morning Coffee


9:50 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Robert Hamilton, PhD, D.ABMLI, Professor, Medicine & Pathology, Clinical Immunology & Allergy, Johns Hopkins University

Welcome to Current Understanding of Immune Mechanisms. The immune system is poised to distinguish self from foreign substances or non-self as a first line of defense. This session will examine areas of biology and medicine of the human immune system's structure, cell involvement, and function, all of which impact on states of health and disease.

10:00 am

Immunogenicity of Self Proteins and Their Therapeutic Counterparts: What History Has Taught Us for NextGen Protein Therapeutics

Amy Sonya Rosenberg, MD, Senior Director of Immunology and Consultant, Epivax, Inc.

Novel therapeutics based on modified scaffold protein structures are being developed as alternative, more potent means to target disease-producing immunologic pathways than currently utilized mAbs. Such scaffold proteins including ankyrin repeat domains (DARPins), lipocalins (Anticalins), and Adnectins all have endogenous human counterparts raising the spectacle that immune responses to the therapeutic could cross-reactively bind to and disrupt the function of these critical structural endogenous proteins.

This presentation will focus on what we have learned from immune responses to traditional protein therapeutics that cross-react to endogenous proteins with non-redundant function as now applied to the development of this novel class of therapeutic with otherwise potentially greater efficacy in targeting multiple disease pathways. The factors affecting the status of immune tolerance to endogenous proteins will be emphasized.

10:30 am

Role of IgE and IgG/IgG4 in Modulating Type I Hypersensitivity Reactions in Human Allergic Disease

Robert Hamilton, PhD, D.ABMLI, Professor, Medicine & Pathology, Clinical Immunology & Allergy, Johns Hopkins University

This presentation will overview the four areas of hypersensitivity: immediate Type I IgE-mediated, Type II antibody-dependent cytotoxicity, Type III immune-complex-mediated, and delayed-Type hypersensitivity. Type I human allergic disease will then be examined, covering its pathophysiology, current diagnostic strategies, four modes of disease management, and special caveats relating to food, drug, venom, and respiratory allergic disease. Finally, the new discipline of molecular allergology will be highlighted with an emphasis on ten cross-reactive allergen families and how allergenic molecules have improved the accuracy of allergy diagnosis.

11:00 amNetworking Coffee Break

11:15 am

The Role of the Innate Immune System and Implications for Biotherapeutics

Han-Yu Shih, PhD, Investigator, NeuroImmune Regulome, National Institutes of Health National Eye Institute

The field of innate lymphoid cell (ILC) biology has progressed rapidly, highlighting these cells’ roles in immunity, barrier tissue integrity, and homeostasis. ILCs can be classified based on cytokine production, mirroring patterns in CD4 T helper (Th) cell analogs. Unlike Th cells, ILCs respond promptly to pathogens without needing antigen-specific receptor recognition. Understanding ILC differentiation and immunoregulation is key to developing new treatments for autoimmunity, infection, and cancer.

11:45 am

Harnessing the Body’s Natural Immune Response to Fight Cancer

Daron Forman, PhD, Senior Principal Scientist, Discovery Biotherapeutics, Bristol Myers Squibb Co.

Immunotherapy has shown remarkable response rates in some previously hard-to-treat cancers by redirecting the body’s own immune system to recognize and eliminate tumor cells. Here, we will discuss the current state of immunotherapy by briefly covering cytokine therapy, cancer vaccines, adoptive immunotherapy, and immunomodulation therapy.

12:15 pmEnjoy Lunch on Your Own

12:45 pmSession Break


2:00 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Paul Moore, PhD, CSO, Zymeworks

2:05 pm

Pushing the Boundaries of Antibody-Based Therapeutics through Multispecifics and Drug Conjugates

Paul Moore, PhD, CSO, Zymeworks

Antibody-based therapeutics have provided great therapeutic benefit to many patients across various disease states. Multispecific antibodies afford therapeutic opportunities not feasible with single-target antibodies or combinations, while drug conjugates provide opportunity to extend therapeutic benefit through combining the targeting specificity of an antibody with a "payload." Examples of these advances will be summarized in the context of molecule design, target selection, biological characterization, and clinical benefit.

2:35 pm

Complement as an Apex Regulator of Tissue Inflammation

Ben Afzali, MD, PhD, FRCP, Earl Stadtman Investigator, Immunoregulation Section, Kidney Diseases Branch, NIDDK, NIH

Our lab investigates tissue inflammation, injury, and repair, focusing on gene expression influenced by micro-environmental signals and transcription factors using functional genomics approaches. An important aspect of our work centers around complement components produced by cells in tissues. In this talk, we will discuss the mechanisms and roles of locally produced complement in inflammation, how this influences tissue biology, and the key transcriptional regulators involved.

3:05 pmNetworking Refreshment Break

3:30 pm

Emerging Immunogenicity Obstacles for Next-Generation Biotherapeutics

Andreas Hollenstein, PhD, Principal Scientist, Immunosafety, Roche

Since the beginning of immunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies, we have pushed the limits for higher efficiency of this therapeutic modality. This shift did not come without trade-offs for safety and immunogenicity. In this presentation, I will talk about several examples of drug-enhancing approaches that also can have a profound impact on immunogenicity. Understanding the underlying mechanisms could help us to stay away as far as possible from this immunogenic transformation and lead to the development of better drugs for patients.


Harnessing the Immune System for Biotherapeutics


Paul Moore, PhD, CSO, Zymeworks


Daron Forman, PhD, Senior Principal Scientist, Discovery Biotherapeutics, Bristol Myers Squibb Co.

Andreas Hollenstein, PhD, Principal Scientist, Immunosafety, Roche

Amy Sonya Rosenberg, MD, Senior Director of Immunology and Consultant, Epivax, Inc.

4:30 pmClose of Immunology for Biotherapeutics Symposium

5:00 pmDinner Short Course Registration

5:30 pmRecommended Dinner Short Course*

SC4: Recent Advances with Cell and Gene Therapy
*Separate registration required. See short course page for details.

Thursday, October 17

6:00 pmRecommended Dinner Short Course*

SC5: Advice on Putting Together an Integrated Summary of Immunogenicity
*Separate registration required. See short course page for details.
